Elected officials get close up of bridge plan
Elected officials from Edmonds braved chilly conditions to join Edmonds bike advocates to view potential upgrades to the Interurban Trail over two weekends in January.
On January 6, Edmonds City Council members Chris Eck and Jenna Nand along with advocates Forrest Baum, Peter Halison, Hank Landau, Luke Distellhorst and Gordon Black viewed how the two disconnected parts of the Interurban could be joined with a bridge across State Route 104. On January 13, Snohomish PUD Commissioner Rebecca Wolfe and Edmonds City Council president pro tem Vivian Olsen were guided by bike advocates on a walk along the existing PUD right-of-way to 242nd Street and then a car shuttle to the end of Wallingford Avenue in Shoreline to view a potential location for a bridge across SR 104. Vicky Clark and Rebecca Shaeffer of Bikes Washington/Cascade Bicycle Club were welcome additions to the tour group.
Both outings proved valuable in helping officials see the potential of a safer, more inviting crossing of SR 104 and to creating a continuous, car-free route on the Interurban.
Other guided visits to the Interurban sites are planned for coming months as bike advocates seek to help inform elected officials and planners of the potential solutions to the current at-grade crosssin